a webpage with no words

Tuesday, November 24th, 2015

stillness02This semester I’ve been taking a class at ACCAD with Jeremy Patterson called Interactive Arts Media.  It is essentially a web design class, but I’ve been fixated on emphasizing the “Arts” part of the class description (which is kind of how I approach all of my work).

Inspired by sites like superbad.com and feedthehead.net, I have been working on a web site that treats the medium as something other than a container for words.

What I’ve made so far could be categorized as a toy, which I think I’m ok with.  Toys are designed to encourage play, curiosity, and imagination.  Hm.  I’m having Candace Feck “at the point of utterance” moment.  Maybe toys are actually exactly what I am most interested in making.

Here’s a link to the site in progress:


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